The management of foreign fishing with reference to the New England herring stocks
1977 |
Vidaeus, Lars |
Fee management systems for the Northwest Atlantic
1977 |
Wilson, James A. |
Anadromous species and extended jurisdiction
1977 |
Retting, R. Bruce |
Incorporating economic considerations into practical fishery policies
1977 |
Austin, C. Bruce |
Marketing and distribution problems with extended jurisdiction
1977 |
O'Rourke, A. Desmond |
Optimal fishery management under conditions of uncertainty
1977 |
Lewis, Tracy R. |
Control theory in fisheries economics : Frill or fundamental?
1977 |
Clark, Colin W. |
Instituting a management regime for the prawn fishery of the Northern Territory of Australia
1977 |
Copes, Parzival |
From economic theory to fisheries policy : conceptual problems and management prescriptions
1977 |
Bromley, Daniel W. |
Limited access systems under the Fischery Conservation and Management Act of 1976
1977 |
Christy jr., Francis T. |
Fishing boat income, capital and labor : a distributional study of a New England port
1977 |
Smith, Leah J. |
Conditions for effective fisheries management in the Northwest Atlantic
1977 |
Pontecorvo, Giulio |
Domestic investment in harvesting and processing sectors required to utilize fish stocks available under extended jurisdiction
1977 |
Vondruska, John |
Law of the sea negotiations and extended jurisdiction
1977 |
Storer, James A. |
Some aspects of optimal timing of intraseasonal catch
1977 |
Agnello, Richard J. |
A management model for a multi species fishery
1977 |
Strand, I. E. |
Canada and fisheries management with extended jurisdiction : a preliminary view
1977 |
Munro, Gordon R. |
World-wide economic aspects of extended fishery jurisdiction management
1977 |
Bell, Frederick W. |
Production relationships among interrelated fisheries
1977 |
Agnello, Richard J. |