Island har den högsta pensioneringsåldern i Norden
2008 |
Kannisto, Jari |
Etablering av försäkringsverksamhet på utvecklingsmarknader (emerging markets)
2008 |
Persson, Sabine Gebert |
Nordic insurance company performance : the customer view on quality and value
2008 |
Eklöf, Jan A. |
The Swedish model for pension : new wine in new bottles
2008 |
Könberg, Bo |
Beyond moral hazard : some thoughts on criminal hazard and insurance
2008 |
Horgby, Per-Johan |
Swedish life insurance model facing major challenges
2008 |
Nordlys - for egen kjøl 1858 - 2008 : gjensidig felleskap mellom risiko og trygghet
2008 |
Jacobsen, Bjørn Barth |
Pensioneringsåldern och hur man mäter den
2007 |
Kannisto, Jari |
Status for den norske pensjonsreformen
2007 |
Haugen, Fredrik |
Icelandic insurance market from the perspective of the financial supervisory authority
2007 |
Guðmundsson, Rúnar |
Sosialiseringsspøkelset : bare et knirk i trappen?
2007 |
Trosdahl, Kristian |
Toward a Pan-European pension reform approach : the promises and perspectives of unfunded individual account systems
2007 |
Holzmann, Robert |
Security for social security : is pre-funding the answer?
2007 |
Brown, Robert L. |
Cykler i forsikringsmarkedet
2006 |
Rasmussen, Henrik Klitmøller |
Between public and private : insurance solutions for a changing society
2006 |
Johansen, Erik B. |
Pension reform in Norway and Sweden
2006 |
Andresen, Martin |
Replacement rates in the new Swedish pension system
2006 |
Scherman, K. G. |
How large will the national pension be? : (the short version)
2006 |
Settergren, Ole |
Försäkringsmännen och kampen för gifta kvinnors äganderätt
2006 |
Eriksson, Liselotte |
Balanced Notional Defined Contribution schemes : a new "geist" in old bottles?
2005 |
Cichon, Michael |