Optimal investment in education: A two-sector growth model
1977 |
Manassakis, Nicholas E. |
The principle of conservation of information energy: A hypothesis
1977 |
Xouris, Demetrios |
What price multinational corporations in the Third World?
1977 |
Kondonassis, A. J. |
The future of management training and development in the F. R. G. and Great Britain
1977 |
Kanellopoulos, Charalambos K. |
A new paradigm in social sciences: The economics of stable equilibrium
1977 |
Rugina, Anghel N. |
Forecasts of future energy requirements by the manufacturing sector of Greece
1977 |
Eftymoglou, Prodromos G. |
Migration and the wages differential
1977 |
Katos, A. V. |
Consumer demand systems: An application of the indirect addilog expenditure system
1977 |
Gamaletsos, Theodore |
Dēmosionomikē politikē kai anadianomē toy eisodēmatos
1974 |
Marmatakēs, Nikolaos G. |
Peri tēs protes atmoploikēs etairias en Elladi
1974 |
Choymanidēs, Lazaros Th. |
Ai prōtai Ethnikai Syneleyseis (1,2,3 & 4) enōpion tōn oikonomikōn problēmatōn tēs Ethnegersias toy 1821
1974 |
Schinas, Geōrgios M. |
Ē merikē methodos eisroōn-ekroōn kai ē chrēsimotēs aytēs eis ton oikonomikon programmatismon
1974 |
Damaskopoylos, Panagiōtos I. |
To ʺSchedion Protypoy Makrochronioy Anaptyxeōs tēs Elladosʺ kai to Etnikon Ekpaideytikon Systēma tēs chōras
1974 |
Emmanoyēl, Filippos D. |
Oikonometrikē analysis synartēseōn katanalōseōs kai kostoys kaysimōn thermikōn monadōn ēlektroparagōgēs
1974 |
Eythymoglos, Prodromos |
Synartēseis ependyseōn eis tēn ellēnikēn oikonomian
1973 |
Skoyntzos, Theodōros A. |
Anōtatē paideia kai metaptychiakai spoydai
1973 |
Emmanoyēl, Artemidos |
Katanomē tēs biomēchanikēs anaptyxeōs eis ton ellēnikon chōron : Analysis basei tēs methodoy metabolēs-posostiaias diarthrōseōs (shift-share analysis)
1973 |
Chiotēs, Geōrgios P. |
Metra naytiliakēs politikēs : lēfthenta apo 20.6.68 eōs 24.8.71 (Apologismos, aitiologēsis, ermēneia)
1973 |
Cholevas, Iōannēs K. |
To prosfygikon problēma
1973 |
Aggelēs, Iōannēs N. |
Pinakes eisroōn-ekroōn tēs ellēnikēs oikonomias dia ta etē 1958, 1963 kai 1966
1973 |
Mylōnas, Niklaos A. |