On the continuity of demand functions which satisfy the strong axiom of revealed preference
1971 |
Sonnenschein, Hugo F. |
Preference and rational choice in the theory of consumption
1971 |
Uzawa, Hirofumi |
Mathematical economics and Professor Pareto's new manual
1971 |
Volterra, Vito |
Non-archimedean behavior under risk : an elementary analysis ; with application to the theory of assets
1971 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
Generalized differentiation and utility functionals for commodity spaces of arbitrary dimension
1971 |
Berger, Melvyn S. |
Utility functions for finite-dimensional commodity spaces
1971 |
Berger, Melvyn S. |
On the measurability of utility
1971 |
Alt, Franz |
Demand and exchange analysis in the absence of integrability conditions
1971 |
Katzner, Donald W. |
Revealed preference without demand continuity assumptions
1971 |
Hurwicz, Leonid |
Demand theory without transitive preferences, with applications to the theory of competitive equilibrium
1971 |
Sonnenschein, Hugo F. |
Preference, revealed preference, and indifference
1971 |
Gorman, William M. |
On the mathematical theory of political economy
1971 |
Antonelli, Giovanni Battista |
On a problem in pure economics
1971 |
Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittil |
Consumption theory without transitive indifference
1971 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
On the lexicographic representation of preference orderings
1971 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
Ophelimity in nonclesed cycles
1971 |
Pareto, Vilfredo |
On the lower semicontinuity of utility functions derived from demand data
1971 |
Sonnenschein, Hugo F. |
On the integrability of demand functions
1971 |
Hurwicz, Leonid |
Rational choice
1971 |
Richter, Marcel K. |
On the problem of integrability of demand functions
1971 |
Hurwicz, Leonid |