Soviet military aid to the Middle East, an economic balance sheet
1976 |
Ofer, Gur |
Issues in Soviet R&D : the energy case
1976 |
Campbell, Robert W. |
International technology transfer fron the West of the U.S.S.R
1976 |
Hanson, Philip |
Raw material problems of the Soviet aluminum industry
1976 |
Shabad, Theodore |
Industrial reorganization : the associations
1976 |
Gorlin, Alice C. |
Postwar developments in the Soviet cement industry
1976 |
Abouchar, Alan |
Developments in Soviet-Eastern European terms of trade, 1971-75
1976 |
Kohn, Martin J. |
Soviet price policy in the 1970s
1976 |
Bornstein, Morris |
Soviet trade and payments with the West
1976 |
Farrell, John |
Soviet population and manpower trends and policies
1976 |
Feshbach, Murray |
Prospects for technological progress
1976 |
Berliner, Joseph S. |
Soviet foreign trade planning
1976 |
Brainard, Lawrence J. |
A comparison of fossil fuel in the U.S. and U.S.S.R
1976 |
Kazmer, Daniel R. |
Demographic problems : fertility
1976 |
Eason, Warren W. |
The Soviet tractor industry : progress and problems
1976 |
Rubenking, Earl M. |
Outlook for Soviet energy
1976 |
Jack, Emily E. |
Autarchy or integration, the U. S. S. R. and the world economy
1976 |
Goldman, Marshall I. |
Soviet dependence on Siberian resource development
1976 |
Smith, Alan B. |
An evaluation of the 10th Five-Year-Plan using the SRI-WEFA, econometric model of the Soviet Union
1976 |
Green, Donald W. |
U. S. S. R. foreign trade : a greater role for trade with the West
1976 |
Brougher, Jack |