Criteria for scientific choice
1965 |
Weinberg, Alvin M. |
Impact of large-scale science on the United States
1965 |
Weinberg, Alvin M. |
The coming changes in American science
1965 |
Storer, Norman W. |
Research administration and the administrator : U.S.S.R. and United States
1965 |
Kaplan, Norman M. |
Science and technology in the new Europe
1965 |
King, Alexander |
An International Institute of Science and Technology
1965 |
Killian jr., James R. |
Universities and academic systems in modern societies
1965 |
Ben-David, Joseph |
R & D, and the relations of science and government
1965 |
Gross, Paul M. |
Development of brain research institutes
1965 |
Magoun, Horace W. |
The competitive world of the pure scientist
1965 |
Reif, F. |
Medical scientists in a château
1965 |
Fox, Renée C. |
The professional society
1965 |
Cardwell, D. S. L. |
Reorganization of science and research in the U.S.S.R.
1965 |
DeWitt, Nicholas |
Dilemma of academic biology in Europe
1965 |
Consolazio, William V. |
The scientific establishment
1965 |
Price, Don K. |
The sciences were never at war
1965 |
Beer, Gavin de |
Science and society
1965 |
Cardwell, D. S. L. |
Basic research, description versus definition
1965 |
Kidd, Charles V. |
The optimum climate for industrial research
1965 |
Orthʺ, Charles D. |
Science and the general welfare in a democracy
1965 |
Seaborg, Glenn T. |