On the role of social security as a means for efficient risk sharing in an economy where human capital is not tradable
1983 |
Merton, Robert C. |
Economic implications of ERISA
1983 |
Bulow, Jeremy I. |
Portfolio composition and pension wealth : an econometric study
1983 |
Dicks-Mireaux, Louis-David L. |
Optimal funding and asset allocation rules for defined-benefit pension plans
1983 |
Harrison, J. Michael |
The economic status of the elderly
1983 |
Hurd, Michael D. |
Observations on the indexation of old age pensions
1983 |
Summers, Lawrence Henry |
Pension funding, pension asset allocation, and corporate finance : evidence from individual company data
1983 |
Friedman, Benjamin M. |
Retirement annuity design in an inflationary climate
1983 |
Bodie, Zvi |
Who owns the assets in a defined-benefit pension plan?
1983 |
Bulow, Jeremy I. |
Should private pensions be indexed?
1983 |
Feldstein, Martin |
Pensions as severance pay
1983 |
Lazear, Edward P. |
Pension funding decisions, interest rate assumptions, and share prices
1983 |
Feldstein, Martin |
Investing for the short and the long term
1983 |
Fischer, Stanley |
On consumption indexed public pension plans
1983 |
Merton, Robert C. |