The probability and severity of an international supply crisis in copper
1981 |
Radetzki, Marian |
Demand for raw materials and requirements for the financing of supply
1981 |
Grilli, Enzo R. |
The new international economic order and the structuring of commodity markets, the recommendations of the Brandt report
1981 |
Girvan, Norman |
Interests and strategies in international conferences on commodities
1981 |
Brewster, Havelock |
Security and strategic considerations for United States commodity policies
1981 |
Kilmarx, Robert A. |
Die Bedeutung der UdSSR und der anderen RGW-Staaten als Rohstoffsproduzenten
1981 |
Clement, Hermann |
International security implications of Soviet energy and raw materials policies
1981 |
Warnecke, Steven J. |
Transnationale Unternehmen und Dritte Welt : auf der Suche nach neuen Instrumenten einer langfristigen und stabilen Rohstoff-Kooperation
1981 |
Wälde, Thomas W. |
Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Rohstoffversorgung der EG durch die RGW-Staaten
1981 |
Müller, Friedemann |
French and European community policies for securing the supply of primary commodities
1981 |
Maull, Hanns W. |
United States policy for securing the supply of mineral commodities
1981 |
Tilton, John E. |
Die Rohstoffversorgungspolitik der Bundesregierung
1981 |
Radke, Detlef |
Political changes in South Africa and the importance of the Republic of South Africa as a raw material supplier
1981 |
Rensburg, W. C. J. van |
Policies of the US Government for securing the supply of primary commodities
1981 |
Johnson, Joel L. |
Political changes in South Africa and the importance of the Republic of South Africa as a raw material supplier
1981 |
Rensburg, W. C. J. van |
Darstellung der westdeutschen Bezugsquellen
1981 |
Harms, Uwe |
Der Kapitalbedarf im Energiesektor der Öl importieren den Entwicklungsländer
1981 |
Hoffmann, Lutz |
Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen einer Stabilisierung der Rohstoffpreise
1981 |
Menck, Karl Wolfgang |
Industrial countries' approaches to security of supply and effects on developing countries
1981 |
Zorn, Stephen |
Trend and patterns of international investment in non fuel minerals
1981 |
Crowson, Phillip |