Present and potential food production in developing countries
1970 |
Boserup, Ester |
Population, society, and the allocation of resources
1970 |
Brookfield, H. C. |
The concept of environmental potential as exemplified by Tropical African research
1970 |
Porter, Philip W. |
What ever happened to krilium?
1970 |
Vogt, William |
Regional problems : Africa
1970 |
Rościszewski, Marcin |
Demographic pressure and mountain life, with special reference to the Alpine-Himalayan belt
1970 |
Planhol, Xavier de |
Reflections on the symposium "Geography and population growth"
1970 |
George, Pierre |
Some sociological considerations of population pressure on resources
1970 |
Browning, Harley L. |
The adjustment of rural population to diminishing land resources
1970 |
Hart, John Fraser |
World population and resources : the larger historicalcontext of the problem
1970 |
Pokshishevskii, V. V. |
The geographer and his crowding world : cautionary notes toward the study of population pressure in the developing lands
1970 |
Zelinsky, Wilbur |
Regional problems : Latin America
1970 |
Zelinsky, Wilbur |
Physical environment and population pressure
1970 |
Tricart, Jean |
Landscape evolution : a tool for analyzing population-resource relationships : Northeast Brazil as a test area
1970 |
Webb, Kempton E. |
Increasing agricultural output to help with the population "problem"
1970 |
McLoughlin, Peter F. M. |
Population dynamics and population pressures : geographic-demographic approaches
1970 |
Taeuber, Irene B. |
A typology of population pressure on resources in West Africa
1970 |
Mabogunje, Akin L. |