Some observations on the engine and fuel of economic growth
1985 |
Feiwel, G. R. |
Recent perspectives in and out macroeconomics
1985 |
Friedman, Benjamin M. |
Did mainstream econometric models fail to anticipate the inflationary surge?
1985 |
Klein, Lawrence R. |
The theory of normal prices and reconstruction of economic theory
1985 |
Robinson, Joan |
The theory of economic growth : from steady states to uneven development
1985 |
Harris, Donald J. |
Keynesian unemployment as non-Walrasian equilibria
1985 |
Sondermann, Dieter |
Marginal productivity, a rehabilitation
1985 |
Bronfenbrenner, Martin |
Distributive justice and desirable ends of economic activity
1985 |
Arrow, Kenneth J. |
Quo vadis macroeconomics? : issues, tensions and challenges
1985 |
Feiwel, G. R. |
A non-Walrasian model of employment with partial price flexibility and indexation
1985 |
Benassy, Jean-Pascal |
The new classical economics : a game-theoretic critique
1985 |
Wan jr., Henry Y. |
A micro-macroeconomic analysis based on a representative firm : progress report
1985 |
Ng, Yew-kwang |
The asset price approach to the analysis of capital income taxation
1985 |
Summers, Lawrence H. |
Theoretical issues in macroeconomics
1985 |
Tobin, James |
Theories of income distribution in developed countries
1985 |
Tinbergen, Jan |
Monetarism : a view from a central bank
1985 |
Beguelin, Jean-Pierre |
A longer-term perspective on macroeconomics and distribution : time, expectations, and incentives
1985 |
Boskin, Michael J. |
On the assumption of convergent rational expectations
1985 |
Burmeister, Edwin |
Non-Walrasian foundations of macroeconomics
1985 |
Negishi, Takashi |
1985 |
Eckstein, Otto |