Are the two systems converging?
1962 |
Svendsen, Knud Erik |
On the economic structure of socialism
1962 |
Porsholt, Lars |
Population increase in the Soviet Union
1962 |
Vogt, Johan |
Input-output tables in the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe
1962 |
Serck-Hanssen, Jan |
Soviet co-ordination plan : concerning the application of mathematical methods and electronic computers in economic calculations
1962 |
Belkin, V. D. |
Programme for the course "mathematics in economics, and calculation"for students specializing in "political economics", not those specializing in "mathematicals economics" in the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University, 1960/61
1962 |
Bojarskij, A. Ya. |
Book review: Primenie matematiki v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniakh : application of mathematics in economic research
1962 |
Serck-Hanssen, Jan |
Den tekniske utvikling i Sovjetiske fiskerier
1962 |
Ishkov, A. A. |
Utviklingen i Sovjetisk fiskerinæring
1962 |
Ishkov, A. A. |
Development of economics in the USSR
1962 |
Nemchinov, V. |
The importance of market research in socialism
1962 |
Varga, Stephen |
Implant mathematical methods into the organization and planning of production : Transl.
1962 |
Fedorovich, M. M. |
The development of Soviet statistics
1962 |
Strumilin, S. |
Soviet engineering-economic education : transl.
1962 |
Kronsjö, Tom |
A comparison of the fundamentals of Eastern and Western European national accounting systems
1962 |
Grönlund, Paavo |
Arbeidsproduktivitet og reallønn under den sovjetiske 7-ärsplan
1961 |
Wessel, Thor |
Reklamen i Sovjet-Unionen
1961 |
Wessel, Thor |
Markedsproblemer i handelen med Sovjet : Übers.
1961 |
Mather, W. L. |
Utviklingstrekk i Østblokkens økonomi i 1960
1961 |
Lamberg, Robert F. |
Handelen mellom Sovjet og Norge
1961 |
Koshentaevskij, V. |