A note on innovations
1949 |
Lange, Oscar |
Wage policies of trade unions
1949 |
Dunlop, John Thomas |
Changes in real and money wages
1949 |
Tarshis, Lorie |
1949 |
Robertson, Dennis Holme |
The mythology of capital
1949 |
Hayek, Friedrich August von |
National product and income statistics as an aid in economic problems
1949 |
Gilbert, Milton |
On the meaning of the marginal product
1949 |
Machlup, Fritz |
Risk, uncertainty, and profitability of compounding probabilities
1949 |
Hart, Albert Gailord |
Production and distribution in the short run
1949 |
Stigler, George J. |
The historical approach to rent and price theory
1949 |
Buchanan, Daniel Huston |
1949 |
Clark, John Maurice |
The theory of the rate of interest
1949 |
Keynes, John Maynard |
Capital and interest
1949 |
Knight, Frank Hyneman |
The classification of inventions
1949 |
Robinson, Joan |
The discounted marginal productivity doctrine
1949 |
Roph, Earl Robert |
Monetary policy and the theory of interest
1949 |
Somers, Harold M. |
Mr. Keynes and the "classics" : a suggested interpretation
1949 |
Hicks, John Richards |
Enterprise, profits, and the modern corporation
1949 |
Gordon, Robert Aaron |
1949 |
Knight, Frank Hyneman |
Monopolistc competition and the productivity theory of distribution
1949 |
Chamberlin, Edward Hastings |