The overall survival ratio method for evaluating defective and incomplete data and estimating mortality
1970 |
Ramachandran, K. V. |
The functional classification of towns-in West-Bengal
1970 |
Raman, M. V. |
Research in family planning
1970 |
Raina, B. L. |
Fertility and mortality in India, 1951-60
1970 |
Rele, J. R. |
The role of agriculture in the solution of the population problem
1970 |
Spengler, Joseph J. |
Demographic factors in planning for economic and social development in African countries
1970 |
Som, Ranjan K. |
On non-family planning methods of population control
1970 |
Hauser, Philip M. |
Implementing family planning programs at the state level in India
1970 |
Mitchell, Howard W. |
Errors in the estimation of fertility and mortality for populations in the process of destabilisation
1970 |
Basavarajappa, K. G. |
Demographic research in India, 1947-1969
1970 |
Bose, Ashish |
A female fecundity table
1970 |
Kale, B. D. |
Baroda Fetility Study : a brief report
1970 |
Bhanot, I. V. |
Australian immigration policy
1970 |
Rivett, Kenneth |
Bibliography of Professor S. Chandrasekhar's writings
1970 |
Sanyal, Sarandindu |
Marxism and birth control
1970 |
Urlanis, B. Z. |
What price population growth?
1970 |
Sinha, J. N. |
Growth of population density in developing countries : regional variations, problems and approaches
1970 |
Knyazhinskaya, Larissa A. |
The use of the logistic curve and the transition model in developing nations
1970 |
Cowgill, Donald O. |
Some implications of age-specific mortality, hospitalization and morbidity for the planning of hospital services
1970 |
Das, B. C. |
A method for estimating annual births saved by the use of various family planning methods
1970 |
Agarwala, S. N. |