Cantillon's place in economics
1965 |
Higgs, Henry |
A single tax on land values
1965 |
George, Henry |
The Austrian economists
1965 |
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von |
The concept of the just price : theory and economic policy
1965 |
Roover, Raymond Adrien de |
Preface and selections from the introduction to Grundriss
1965 |
Roscher, Wilhelm |
Why is economics not an evolutionary science?
1965 |
Veblen, Thorstein |
The influence of the rate of interest in prices
1965 |
Wicksell, Knut |
The early history of political economy in the United States
1965 |
Fetter, Frank Albert |
Cournot and mathematical economics
1965 |
Fisher, Irving |
Power versus plenty as objectives of foreign policy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
1965 |
Viner, Jacob |
Geometrical theory of the determination of prices
1965 |
Walras, Léon |
Ricardo made easy; Or, what is the radical difference between Ricardo and Adam Smith?
1965 |
Quincey, Thomas de |
Eli Hecksher and the idea of mercantilism
1965 |
Coleman, Donald C. |
The theory of value : a reply to Professor MacVane
1965 |
Wieser, Friedrich von |
Just price in a functional economy
1965 |
Dempsey, Bernard W. |
Knapp's theory of money
1965 |
Bonar, James |
Institutional economics
1965 |
Commons, John Rogers |
Mathematical economics
1965 |
Pareto, Vilfredo |
The place of Jevons in the history of economic thought
1965 |
Robbins, Lionel |
The place of Marshall's principles in the development of economic theory
1965 |
Shove, G. F. |