Commercial banks as suppliers of capital funds to business
1967 |
Budzeika, George |
Application of linear programming to financial budgeting and the costing of funds
1967 |
Charnes, Abraham |
Cost-volume-profit analysis in planning and control
1967 |
Crowningshield, Gerald R. |
In defense of preferred stock
1967 |
Donaldson, Gordon |
Inventory management
1967 |
Arnold, Robert W. |
Theory of the capital structure of the firm
1967 |
Schwartz, Eli |
The scope of the finance function
1967 |
Solomon, Ezra |
Capital budgeting
1967 |
Wellington, Roger |
An integration of cost of capital theories
1967 |
Johnson, Robert Willard |
New framework for corporate debt policy
1967 |
Donaldson, Gordon |
A critical look at lease financing and a reply
1967 |
Gant, Donald R. |
How to use decision trees in capital investment
1967 |
Magee, John F. |
Questions for solving the inventory problem
1967 |
Morgan, James I. |
Measuring a company's cost of capital
1967 |
Solomon, Ezra |
Risk analysis in capital investment
1967 |
Hertz, David Bendel |
Measuring the productivity of capital
1967 |
Dean, Joel |
The integration of capital budgeting and stock valuation
1967 |
Lerner, Eugene M. |
The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of investment
1967 |
Modigliani, Franco |
Financial analysis : planning and control
1967 |
Weston, J. Fred |
The value of the call privilege
1967 |
Winn, Willis J. |