Jaguar racing - collaboration in the workflow?
2003 |
Nevey, Steve |
Long-term cooperation in the European aerospace industry : a model for future successful partnering in competitive environments
2003 |
Mundt, Hans-Erich |
Secure engineering collaboration : engineering alliances among collaborative enterprises
2003 |
Schmidt, Martin |
Transactions standards
2003 |
Otto, Boris |
Neutrality, openness and co-operation in the service industry
2003 |
Wenzek, Hagen |
Virtual level collaboration: SMEs in aerospace
2003 |
Carosio, Stefano |
MOSAIC E-Net integration platform - reduction of processing costs through electronic data exchange
2003 |
Reinheimer, Thorsten |
Competition and collaboration in sport
2003 |
Gebauer, Gunter |
"Performance community" - new financing solutions
2003 |
Schäfer, Anna-Maria |
Identification of cost-saving potentials achieved by collaboration using product lifecycle costing
2003 |
Höppe, Alexander |
Networks of excellence: Ewf Europe's vision
2003 |
Between collaboration and competition : the future of the European manufacturing industry
2003 |
Bullinger, Hans-Jörg |
The network of automotive excellence as a potential response to change in development
2003 |
Becker, Wilhelm |
The European automotive supply industry at the crossroads
2003 |
Stehle, Peter |
Networks of excellence: relevance, feasibility, sustainability
2003 |
Sachsenmeier, Peter |
Business process standards
2003 |
Spee, Jacques |
The boundaries of "marketisation"- the myths about entrepreneurial employees
2003 |
Kühl, Stefan |
Plant engineering in global competition
2003 |
Plass, Ludolf |
e-Europe and the European Research Area : EU policies to address major business and work challenges
2003 |
Filos, Erastos |
e-business: the importance of standards for e-marktplaces
2003 |
Scholz, Alexander |