Prohibition an economic analysis
1969 |
Borkar, V. V. |
The role of industrial policy in economic development
1969 |
Kushwaha, D. S. |
Agricultural growth in India : performance and prospects
1969 |
Mujumdar, N. A. |
The role of fiscal policy in economic development
1969 |
Mukerjee, Sudhir |
Democratic welfare statecraft in a developing economy with an empirical application
1969 |
Kurihara, Kenneth Kenkichi |
Unemployment implications of population growth in India
1969 |
Husain, Ishrat Z. |
An appraisal of co-operative farming and its significance in Indian development
1969 |
Schiller, Otto |
The economic ideology of Nehru
1969 |
Dantwala, M. L. |
The export growth of agricultural commodities in Indian international trade
1969 |
Graham, Anila |
Jawaharlal Mehru, social justice and national development
1969 |
Mehta, Asoka |
The implications of the managing agency system in Indian development
1969 |
Hazari, Rabindra Kishen |
Inflation and economic development
1969 |
Ali, Mansoor |
An analysis of the price movements of certain agricultural commodities since 1939, food for peace and its effects on economic development
1969 |
Bhuleshkar, Ashok V. |
The problem of productivity and technical change in Indian agriculture : a theoretical analysis
1969 |
Bhuleshkar, Ashok V. |
The ultimate objectives of Nehruʹs socialism
1969 |
Dhavamony, S. J. |
Shipping conferences and deferred rebate system
1969 |
Kumana, R. E. |
A fresh approach to agricultural reconstruction in Indian development
1969 |
Anstey, Vera |
Indian monetary policy and economic development
1969 |
Chandavarkar, Anand G. |
Indian economic growth, comparison with China, 1965
1969 |
Malenbaum, Wilfred |
Educational expansion in low income countries with special reference to India
1969 |
Hicks, Ursula Kathleen |