Problems arising for the agriculture of a developing country by virtue of its association with the European Economic Community
1969 |
Delivanis, Dimitrios J. |
Problems of the re-structuring of agriculture in the light of the Polish experience
1969 |
Tepicht, Jerzy |
The changing patterns of international trade problems of under-developed areas
1969 |
Richter, John Hans |
Purchasing contracts and price policy as means of planning agricultural production
1969 |
Pohorille, Maksymilian |
1969 |
Papi, Giuseppe Ugo |
The modern family farm and its problems : with particular reference to the Federal German Republic
1969 |
Priebe, Hermann |
The changing character of international trade and the problems of under-developed regions
1969 |
Martinov, V. A. |
The European Common Market and the move to wards self-sufficiency in food production
1969 |
Mouton, Claude |
The modern family farm and its problems : with particular reference to the United States of America
1969 |
Johnson, Glenn L. |
Turning-points in economic developement and agricultural policy
1969 |
Bićanić, Rudolf |
Free trade and planning in the common agricultural policy
1969 |
Bandini, Mario |
Agricultural planning in U.S.S.R.
1969 |
Obolenski, K. P. |
The terms of trade of agriculture in context of economic growth
1969 |
Mundlak, Yair |
Agriculture in the world of 1975 general picture of trends
1969 |
Ojala, E. M. |
Tendencies towards concentration and specialization in agriculture
1969 |
Renborg, Ulf |
The new synthesis of rural and urban society in the United States
1969 |
Fox, Karl August |
Swedish experience in agricultural policy
1969 |
Gulbrandsen, Odd |
The desirable level of agriculture in the advanced industrial economies
1969 |
Robinson, Edward Austin Gossage |
Joint decision-making processes in present-day agriculture
1969 |
Hoos, Sidney S. |
The problems of vertical integration in agriulture: the Hungarian case
1969 |
Komló, László |