Latin America : lessons of the strength and weakness of regional cooperation
1981 |
Puyana, Alicia |
The objectives of regionalism in the 1980s
1981 |
Hudson, Michael |
The place of regional approaches in current negotiations on international development
1981 |
Laszlo, Ervin |
Regional approaches to the transfer, control, and creation of technology
1981 |
Omer, Assad U. |
The logic of regionalism in history and today
1981 |
Hudson, Michael |
Regionalism : the problem of public support
1981 |
Jones, Thomas E. |
Agrobusiness and food in the context of regional cooperation
1981 |
Garcia, Marcelo |
Regionalism and the New International Economic Order : some conclusions
1981 |
Guernier, Maurice |
The regional institutional requisites of the NIEO
1981 |
Bettati, Mario |
A regional strategy to finance the New International Economic Order
1981 |
Bhattacharya, A. K. |
ASEAN, a case study of regionalism in Southeast Asia
1981 |
González, Marta |
The achievement of specific NIEO objectives by means of regional approaches : access to markets, international trade and industrialization
1981 |
Raman, K. Kalyan |
A case study of economic cooperation in Eastern Europe
1981 |
Simai, Mihály |
Regionalism and the environment
1981 |
Hetzel, Nancy K. |
Regionalism, nationalism, and the NIEO
1981 |
Estévez, Jaime |
A case study of the European Community
1981 |
Bourrinet, Jacques |
Regionalism and women
1981 |
Leet, Mildred Robbins |
Current movements toward regionalism : UNCTAD's experience
1981 |
Lacarte, Julio A. |
The need for regional cooperation among the Indian Ocean basin countries : a case study
1981 |
Agarwala, P. N. |
Political obstacles to regional economic cooperation
1981 |
Moneta, Carlos |