Improving compliance with laws applicable in armed conflict ; a work in progress
2003 |
Aldrich, George H. |
Policy-oriented law in the international criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
2003 |
Shahabuddeen, Mohamed |
The use of friendly settlements in the inter-american human rights system
2003 |
Reisman, W. Michael |
Truth and consequences or truth and reconciliation?
2003 |
Pinto, M. C. W. |
Trial without undue delay before the international criminal tribunals
2003 |
Møse, Erik |
Is there a hierarchy of crimes in international law?
2003 |
May, Richard |
Les exceptions préliminaires à la lumière de la jurisprudence de la cour internationale de justice (1994-2000)
2003 |
Herczegh, Géza |
The European Convention for Prevention of Torture and inhuman or degrading Treatment or Punishment ; Building an effective human rights accountability mechanism ; Work in progress
2003 |
Imbert, Pierre-Henri |
Inherent powers of international courts and tribunals
2003 |
Gaeta, Paola |
In extremis ; are there legal principles applicable to the illegal use of force?
2003 |
Franck, Thomas M. |
Responsabilité étatique et responsabilité individuelle pour violations graves du droit international humanitaire
2003 |
Condorelli, Luigi |
The ICJ statute, the charter and forms of legality review of security council decisions
2003 |
Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano |
Some preliminary reflections on the mens rea requirements of the crimes of the ICC statute and of the elements of crimes
2003 |
Ambos, Kai |
Implementing the statute of the International Criminal Court ; The german example
2003 |
Zimmermann, Andreas |
Human rights protection vs. non-intervention : a perennial conflict?
2003 |
Zemanek, Karl |
Interpreting the statutes of the ad hoc tribunals
2003 |
Schabas, William A. |
The setting of international standards in genomics
2003 |
Roucounas, Emmanuel |
Human rights under the international covenant on civil and political rights and armed conflicts
2003 |
Pocar, Fausto |
Dialogue for reconciliation ; a supplementary step for truth commissions
2003 |
Orrego Vicuña, Francisco |
International peremtory norms (jus cogens) and international humanitarian law
2003 |
Nieto Navia, Rafael |