Coalitions and clubs, aspects of their formation and economic efficiency
1977 |
Tisdell, Clem |
A plea for preordinators
1977 |
Jaeger, Arno |
Minimaxschätzungen bei Vorbewertung
1977 |
Straub, Martin |
On the transition from pattern cognition to model building
1977 |
Wold, Herman |
On the identifiability of continuous time economic models
1977 |
Hauptmann, Harry |
Spieltheoretische Behandlung der Preisbildung vor und nach Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen
1977 |
Eichhorn, Wolfgang |
The genesis of dynamic systems governed by Metzler matrices
1977 |
Arrow, Kenneth J. |
Stochastic linearisation of indeterminateness (Towards a theory of games and decisions under partial information)
1977 |
Kofler, Eduard |
Bemerkung zur Abschätzung des Wertes bei Stop-Problemen
1977 |
Goldstein, B. H. |
Values of game with a priori unions
1977 |
Owen, Guilliermo |
Core, Lindahl equilibria and revelation of preferences
1977 |
Richter, Wolfram |
Eine Bemerkungen zur Anwendung der Minque-Methode
1977 |
Hild, Claus |
Statistical aspects of economic aggregation
1977 |
Tintner, G. |
Some variations on the Mardón model
1977 |
Sohn, Ira |
Banks, insurance and futures markets of a trading economy with money, exogenous uncertainty and an optimal bankruptcy rule
1977 |
Shubik, Martin |
Externalities and interdependence : in a von Neumann growth model
1977 |
Fischer, Dietrich |
Bemerkungen zur Widerspruchsfreiheit der Axiome in der Theorie der Revealed Preference
1977 |
Fuchs-Seliger, Susanne |
Vers une théorie générale des jeux positionnels
1977 |
Berge, Claude |
The existence problem for solutions
1977 |
Lucas, W. F. |
Expected utility theories : a review note
1977 |
Fishburn, Peter C. |