New sources, new theses, and new organizations on the new Germany : recent research on the history of German agriculture
2001 |
Finlay, Mark |
System, organization, and agricultural reform in the Antebellum South, 1840 - 1860
2001 |
Collins, Steven G. |
Promoting the "practical" : science and agricultural modernization in Puerto Rico and Colombia, 1920 - 1940
2001 |
McCook, Stuart |
The Correll family and technological change in Australian agriculture
2001 |
Frost, Lionel |
Agricultural policy in the twentieth century
2000 |
Paarlberg, Robert L. |
Arming American agriculture for the twentieth century : how the USDA's top managers promoted agricultural development
2000 |
Ferleger, Louis A. |
The USDA's Bureau of Agricultural Economics and Sociological Studies of Rural Life and Agricultural Issues, 1919 - 1953
2000 |
Larson, Olaf F. |
When did king cotton move his throne (and has it moved back)?
2000 |
Saffell, Cameron L. |
The family wine-farm : vintibusiness style
2000 |
Geraci, Victor W. |
Land allocation and self-sufficiency in the ancient Athenian village
2000 |
Mitchell, Kevin |
"Cash for his turnups" : agricultural production for local markets in colonial Pennsylvania, 1725 - 1783
2000 |
Kennedy, Michael V. |
Sugar plantations in Queensland, 1864 - 1912 : origins, characteristics, distribution, and decline
2000 |
Griggs, Peter D. |
Antebellum agricultural reform, republican ideology, and sectional tension
2000 |
Phillips, Sarah T. |
Fighting a losing battle : Canadian stockmen and the American tariffs, 1920 - 1930
2000 |
Foran, Max |
Fits of economic analysis : good ones and bad ones in agriculture's public sector
2000 |
Cotton on the federal road to economic development : technology and labor policies following World War II
2000 |
Grove, Wayne A. |
Norris E. Dodd and the connections between domestic and international agricultural policy
2000 |
Staples, Amy L. S. |
Debating farm power : draft animals, tractors, and the United States Department of Agriculture
2000 |
Ellenberg, George B. |
Creation and distribution of economic rents by regulation : development and evolution of milk marketing orders in California
2000 |
Sumner, Daniel A. |
The new deal farm programs : looking for reconstruction in American agriculture
2000 |
Summers, Mary |