The UNCTAD Code for liner conferences and the Nigerian national shipping policy
1992 |
Sasegbon, Fola |
Human rights and economic development
1992 |
Schachter, Oscar |
A propos de la double fonction des lignes et points de base dans le droit de la mer
1992 |
Weil, Prosper |
The Third World and human rights
1992 |
Boutros Ghali, Boutros |
Human Rights and democracy in the western hemisphere
1992 |
Shelton, Dinah |
Administrative adjudication under the Nigerian constitution
1992 |
Oluyede, Peter A. O. |
Article 22 of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights
1992 |
Bello, Emmanuel G. |
Fundamental human rights, the courts, and the government, particularly in a military regime in Nigeria
1992 |
Jinadu, Y.A.O. |
Artefacts as national cultural heritage and as common heritage to mankind
1992 |
Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz |
" Internationalizing" the International Court : The quest for ethno-cultural and legal-systemic representativeness
1992 |
McWhinney, Edward |
Reciprocity in the system of compulsory jurisdiction and in other modalities of contentious jurisdiction exercised by the International Court of Justice
1992 |
Torres Bernárdez, Santiago |
The validity of international law : an empirical experiment
1992 |
Schwarzenberger, Georg |
International Law, the United Nations, and decolonization
1992 |
Ajomo, Michael A. |
The Concept and functions of soft law in international politics
1992 |
Reisman, William Michael |
The protection of the human environment in a divided world and international law
1992 |
Sarin, Manohar L. |
Human rights and competing ideas
1992 |
Henkin, Louis |
A reporting system for international humanitarian law?
1992 |
Ramcharan, Bertrand G. |
The military use of outer space and international law
1992 |
Cheng, Bin |
People's rights as a new form of human rights
1992 |
Machowski, Jacek |
The dark continent : the difficult road to unity
1992 |
Bello, Emmanuel G. |