International corporations, labour aristocracies, and economic development in Tropical Africa
1970 |
Arrighi, Giovanni |
The middle-class military coup
1970 |
Nun, José |
Aluminum profits and Caribbean people
1970 |
Reno, Philip |
Mineral development and economic growth
1970 |
Rollins, Charles E. |
Foreign capital and social conflict in Indonesia, 1950-1958
1970 |
Schmitt, Hans O. |
Pakistan: The burden of U.S. aid
1970 |
Alavi, Hamza |
Agricultural and economic development
1970 |
Balogh, Thomas |
The development of underdevelopment
1970 |
Frank, Andre Gunder |
The meaning of economic imperialism
1970 |
O'Connor, James |
The American empire and the U.S. economy
1970 |
Magdoff, Harry |
On economic planning in Tropical Africa
1970 |
Hopkins, Terence Kilbourne |
The Alliance for Progress
1970 |
Horowitz, David |
Problems of socialism in Southeast Asia
1970 |
Caldwell, Malcolm |
On the mechanism of imperialism : the case of Brazil
1970 |
Frank, Andre Gunder |
The pitfalls of national consciousness, Africa
1970 |
Fanon, Frantz |
On the political of backwardness
1970 |
Baran, Paul Alexander |
The stages of economic growth of a primary producer in the middle of the twentieth century
1970 |
Seers, Dudley |
The politics of pseudo-planning in a primary-producing nation
1970 |
Ehrensaft, Philip |