Emilie Durkheim : collective consciousness and law. On law
2005 |
Durkheim, Emilie |
Emilie Durkheim : collective consciousness and law. Modernity and self identity
2005 |
Giddens, Anthony |
Max Weber : the evolution from irrationality to rationality in law. The economy and social norms
2005 |
Weber, Max |
Max Weber : the evolution from irrationality to rationality in law. The theory of communicative action
2005 |
Habermas, Jürgen |
Max Weber : the evolution from irrationality to rationality in law. Equity and discretion in a modern islamic legal system
2005 |
Rosen, Lawrence |
A handbook of Tswana law and custom
2005 |
Schapera, Isaac |
Justice and judgment among the Tiv
2005 |
Bohannan, Paul |
Where it hurts : Indian material for an ethics of organ transplantation
2005 |
Cohen, Lawrence |
Consensus and suspicion : judicial reasoning and social change in an Indonesian society 1960-1994
2005 |
Brown, John R. |
Identity in Mashpee
2005 |
Clifford, James |
Rights, religion and community : approaches to violence against women in the context of globalization
2005 |
Merry, Sally Engle |
Deciding who gets in : decisionmaking by immigration inspectors
2005 |
Gilboy, Janet A. |
Multiculturalism, individualism, and human rights : romanticism, the enlightenment, and lessons from Mauritius
2005 |
Hylland Eriksen, Thomas |
Certainties undone : fifty turbulent years of legal anthropology, 1949-1999
2005 |
Moore, Sally Falk |
Objects of property and subjects of politics
2005 |
Coombe, Rosemary |
Consensus and suspicion : judicail reasinging and social change in an Indonesian soviety 1960-1994
2005 |
Bowen, John R. |
Charles-Louis Montesquieu : Law as an expression of a particular cultural complex. Local knowledge
2005 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Plato, Augustine, Aquinas, and others, asking what is morally right : essays on natural law, ideal law, and human law. The International Bill of Rights
2005 |
Henkin, Louis |
Emilie Durkheim : collective consciousness and law. Disciplinary power and subjection
2005 |
Foucault, Michel |
Max Weber : the evolution from irrationality to rationality in law. Law and social science
2005 |
Lempert, Richard |