Complexity, management, coherence, and understanding
2002 |
Lissack, Michael |
Complexity in human terms
2002 |
Lewin, Roger |
The role of language
2002 |
Lissack, Michael |
Complexity and the I-space
2002 |
Boisot, Max |
Complexity and leadership
2002 |
McKelvey, Bill |
Complexity, bricolage, and technology
2002 |
Garud, Raghu |
Beyond "e": creating an intelligent world
2002 |
Wood, Robin |
A practioner's perspective
2002 |
Michaels, Mark |
Improving health care quality from the view of adaptive systems
2002 |
Harte, Helen |
Reality and complexity
2002 |
Petzinger, Tom |
Complexity and organization science
2002 |
Lewin, Arie Y. |
Business, complexity, and "new science"
2002 |
Sanders, Irene |
Complexity and management: why does it matter?
2002 |
Schultz, Ron |
Complexity and management: models and methods
2002 |
Phelan, Steven E. |
Applying complexity: really
2002 |
Dooley, Kevin |
Research on interactions among management decisions
2002 |
Rivkin, Jan W. |
A few words on modeling
2002 |
Levinthal, Daniel A. |
Twenty-first-century management and the complexity paradigm
2002 |
Tasaka, Hiroshi |
Complexity and innovation
2002 |
Brown, John Seely |
Frontier, of course
2002 |
Frederick, Bill |