Economic reform in Eastern Europe
1977 |
Bornstein, Morris |
Hungary : economic performance, policy and prospects
1977 |
Portes, Richard |
The MFN impact on U. S. imports from Eastern Europe
1977 |
Raffel, Helen |
Estimating East European indebtedness to the West
1977 |
Melson, Kathryn |
Trade and aid in the Albanian economy
1977 |
Kaser, Michael |
Migration and employment of foreign workers in the CMEA countries and their problems
1977 |
Levcik, Friedrich |
Population estimates and projections for Eastern Europe : 1950 to 2001
1977 |
Baldwin, Godfrey |
Economic performance, strategy, and prospects in European Europe
1977 |
Marer, Paul |
Industrial production in Yugoslavia, 1952-75
1977 |
Moore, John H. |
Comparative growth and levels of agricultural output and productivity in Eastern Europe, 1965-76
1977 |
Lazarcik, Gregor |
Poland's trade with the developed West : performance and prospects
1977 |
Teske, Gary R. |
Recent developments in East-West European economic relations and their implications for U. S.-East European economic relations
1977 |
Hewett, Edward A. |
Recent developments in organization and management of agriculture in Eastern Europe
1977 |
Jacobs, Everett M. |
The intra-CEMA foreign trade system : major price changes, little reform
1977 |
Kohn, Martin J. |
Bilateral business councils with East European countries
1977 |
Wilson, Edward T. |
Hungarian agricultural performance and policy during the NEM
1977 |
O'Relley, Z. Edward |
Eastern Europe : political context
1977 |
Matusek, Ivan V. |
Countertrade practices in Eastern Europe
1977 |
Matheson, Janelle |
East-West European trade relations
1977 |
Wolf, Thomas A. |
East-West Foreign Trade Board
1977 |
Searing, Marjory E. |