The plateau demand curve and utility theory
1969 |
Nutter, G. Warren |
Operational propositions in economic theory
1969 |
Gordon, Donald F. |
Duopoly, Oligopoly, and emerging competition
1969 |
Nutter, G.Warren |
Advertising expenditures : a suggested treatment
1969 |
Buchanan, Norman S. |
The meaning of utility measurement
1969 |
Alchian, Armen Albert |
Euler's theorem and the problem of distribution
1969 |
Robinson, Joan Violet |
The effects of unions on resource allocation
1969 |
Rees, Albert |
What is perfect competituon?
1969 |
Robinson, Joan |
The Marschallian demand curve
1968 |
Bailey, Martin J. |
1968 |
Buchanan, James M. |
Bandwagon, snob, and Veblen effects in the theory of consumersʹ demand
1968 |
Leibenstein, Harvey |
Ommissions in the treatment of the law of variable proportions
1968 |
Tangri, Om P. |
The problem of social cost
1968 |
Coase, Ronald H. |
Efficient allocation of resources
1968 |
Koopmans, Tjalling Charles |
The factor proportions problem in underdeveloped areas
1968 |
Eckaus, Richard S. |
The concept of monopoly and the measurement of monopoly power
1968 |
Lerner, Abba P. |
The methodology of positive economics
1968 |
Friedman, Milton |
Excess capacity and monopolistic competition
1968 |
Cassels, John M. |
Some economic aspects of fissionable material
1968 |
Enke, Stephen |
Price discrimination in medicine
1968 |
Kessel, Reuben A. |