Marketing of housebuilding materials
1967 |
Cox, Reavis |
Marketing organization through the channel
1967 |
Revzan, David Allen |
Economic factors influencing manufacturers' decisions concerning price maintenance
1967 |
Stern, Lousi W. |
Distribution : its economic conflicts
1967 |
Palamountain jr., Joseph Cornwall |
Interaction of channel selection policies in the marketing system
1967 |
Mallen, Bruce E. |
Retail trade flow changes in Canada
1967 |
Mallen, Bruce E. |
The division of labor is limited by the extent of the market
1967 |
Stigler, George J. |
Postponement, speculation, and the structure of distribution channels
1967 |
Bucklin, Louis P. |
Pricing to gain wholesalers' selling support
1967 |
Warshaw, Martin R. |
A theoretical framework for channel choice
1967 |
Baligh, Helmy H. |
A note on manufacturers' choice of distribution channels
1967 |
Artle, Roland |
The depot theory of distribution
1967 |
Aspinwall, Leo V. |
Bayesian decision theory in channel selection
1967 |
Alderson, Wroe |
Factors governing the development of marketing channels
1967 |
Alderson, Wroe |
Toward a formal theory of transactions and transvections
1967 |
Alderson, Wroe |
Introducing the marketing channel to price theory
1967 |
Mallen, Bruce E. |
A note on a scale of resale price control
1967 |
Mallen, Bruce E. |
The concept of countervailing power
1967 |
Galbraith, John Kenneth |
Retail innovations challenge manufacturers
1967 |
Tallman, Gerald B. |
Vertical integration in marketing
1967 |
Cole, Robert Hartzell |