Overlapping momentum portfolios
2023 |
Blanco, Ivan |
Using, taming or avoiding the factor zoo? : a double-shrinkage estimator for covariance matrices
2023 |
De Nard, Gianluca |
An empirical application of Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo to frailty correlated default models
2023 |
Nguyen, Ha |
Uncertainty in the Black-Litterman model : empirical estimation of the equilibrium
2023 |
Fuhrer, Adrian |
Do as they say or do as they do? : uncovering the effects of inappropriate methods and unreliable data in boardroom diversity research
2023 |
Renz, Franziska M. |
Automated stock picking using random forests
2023 |
Breitung, Christian |
Herding behavior and systemic risk in global stock markets
2023 |
Hasan, Iftekhar |
Competition and risk taking in local bank markets : evidence from the business loans segment
2023 |
Canta, Chiara |
International comovement of r* : a case study of the G7 countries
2023 |
Goto, Eiji |
The role of human capital : evidence from corporate innovation
2023 |
Liu, Tong |
Co-illiquidity management
2023 |
Hvidkjær, Søren |
Corporate social responsibility and excess perks
2023 |
Xi, Dan |
A robust Glasso approach to portfolio selection in high dimensions
2023 |
Ding, Wenliang |
Salience theory in price and trading volume : evidence from China
2023 |
Sun, Kaisi |
Spillover effects in managerial compensation
2023 |
Kieschnick, Robert L. |
The contribution of jump signs and activity to forecasting stock price volatility
2023 |
Bu, Ruijun |
Modeling and forecasting dynamic conditional correlations with opening, high, low, and closing prices
2023 |
Fiszeder, Piotr |
A jumping index of jumping stocks? : an MCMC analysis of continuous-time models for individual stocks
2023 |
Pollastri, Alessandro |
Changes in the electorate and firm values : evidence from the introduction of female suffrage in Switzerland
2023 |
Stahl, Jörg R. |
New kids on the block : the effect of Generation X directors on corporate performance
2023 |
He, Zhaozhao |