Worldview : an introduction to social security in Georgia
-2017 |
The social security number : a small device underpinning big systems
-2017 |
Adèle, Paul-Anthelme |
The gender gap in pensions in Latin America
-2017 |
Amarante, Verónica |
Does trust increase willingness to pay higher taxes to help the needy?
-2017 |
Habibov, Nazim |
A “Swedish” actuarial balance for a notional defined contribution pension scheme with disability and minimum pension benefits
-2017 |
González, Juan M. Pérez‐Salamero |
The politics of rights‐based, transformative social policy in South and Southeast Asia
-2017 |
Koehler, Gabriele |
The evolution of the Georgian social protection system since independence : an unclear future despite recent expansion
-2017 |
Gugushvili, Dimitri |
Introduction : Reflecting on the human right to social security
-2017 |
Hujo, Katja |
Social protection and persons with disabilities
-2017 |
Aguilar, Catalina Devandas |
The challenge of pension reform in Georgia : non‐contributory pensions and elderly poverty
-2017 |
Nutsubidze, Tamila |
Developing a compliance‐based approach to address error, evasion and fraud in social security systems
-2017 |
Goveia, Luana |
Pension reforms in EU11 countries : an evaluation of post‐socialist pension policies
-2017 |
Domonkos, Stefan |
Global-regional interaction to extend access to social protection for migrant workers : insights from ASEAN and MERCOSUR
-2017 |
Fornalé, Elisa |
The ABCs of nonfinancial defined contribution (NDC) schemes
-2017 |
Holzmann, Robert |
Approaches to social protection for informal workers : aligning productivist and human rights‐based approaches
-2017 |
Alfers, Laura |
Survivors' pensions and their impact on the Brazilian labour market
-2017 |
Costanzi, Rogério Nagamine |
Electronic payment mechanisms in social security : extending the reach of benefit and contribution transactions
-2017 |
Waller, Paul |
Work/life balance policy in Germany : promoting equal partnership in families
-2017 |
Adema, Willem |
Ensuring inclusion and combatting discrimination in social protection programmes : the role of human rights standards
-2017 |
Sepúlveda Carmona, M. Magdalena |
The rights‐based approach to care policies : Latin American experience
-2017 |
Esquivel, Valeria |