Rapid economic development, profound social transformation, and a scientific population policy : a Soviet view
1968 |
Ogly, Arab |
Egypt : the way out of poverty
1968 |
Mansfield, Peter |
Economic development and planning in Yugoslavia
1968 |
Samardzija, Milos |
The developing countries can count on aid and assistance from the socialist camp
1968 |
Tkachenko, A. |
There are no simple answers
1968 |
Baldwin, Robert E. |
The Israeli road from underdevelopment to affluence
1968 |
Fein, Leonard J. |
Yesterday, today, tomorrow : a thirst for perspective ; a Soviet view
1968 |
Keler, Vladimir |
Bread and freedom : the pluralistic approach
1968 |
McCord, William |
War and revolution
1968 |
Sweezy, Paul M. |
Egypt's economy analyzed
1968 |
Linder, Willy |
From underdevelopment to affluence : Chinese views
1968 |
Prybyla, Jan S. |
Constitutional socialism in Yugoslavia
1968 |
Maksimović, Ivan M. |
Overpopulation does not threaten our planet : a Soviet view
1968 |
Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovič |
Rich lands, poor lands, and the widening gap
1968 |
Myrdal, Gunnar |
What disarmament will give to developing countries
1968 |
Ivanov, Konstantin |
The transition to socialism
1968 |
Avakov, R. |
Japan's economic expansion : achievements and prospects
1968 |
Allen, George Cyril |
The breakup of the colonial system
1968 |
Brutents, K. |
Politicians, bureaucrats, and development in India
1968 |
Wilcox, Wayne Ayres |
What is the third world?
1968 |
Horowitz, Irving Louis |