L' evolution du droit pénal international
1996 |
Poklewski-Koziell, Krzysztof |
On cultural differences, levels of societal development and universal human rights
1996 |
Müllerson, Rein |
Individuals as subjects of international humanitarian law
1996 |
Aldrich, George H. |
La " prééminence du droit" dans l'ordre juridique européen
1996 |
Morin, Jacques-Ivan |
Les réserves dans les traités institutionnels relatifs aux droits de l'homme : nouveaux aspects européens et internationaux
1996 |
Cohen-Jonathan, Gérard |
The general list of the International Court of Justice
1996 |
Rosenne, Shabtai |
Les organisations internationales, entre gestion publique et gestion privée
1996 |
Burdeau, Geneviève |
Some observations on the inter-temporal rule in international law
1996 |
Higgins, Rosalyn |
New custom ; power. opinio juris and contrary practice
1996 |
Schachter, Oscar |
The widening scope of international law
1996 |
Nascimento e Silva, Gerardo E. |
State responsibility and international liability in transnational relations
1996 |
Sucharitkul, Sompong |
La politique étrangère et de sécurité commune de l'Union européenne (la PESC) dans l'optique du 5ème élargissement : Comment la renforcer?
1996 |
Vignes, Daniel |
The International Court of Justice and the law of the sea - some reflections
1996 |
Kwiatkowska, Barbara |
May preparatory work be used to correct rather than confirm the "clear" meaning of a treaty provision?
1996 |
Schwebel, Stephen M. |
Some questions concerning the applicable law in international tribunals
1996 |
Brownlie, Ian |
The international judical function : some reflections
1996 |
Makarczyk, Jerzy |
International law and the concept of law ; why international law is law
1996 |
Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix |
The effect of resolutions of international organizations
1996 |
Detter Delupis, Ingrid |
Customary norms in contemporary international law
1996 |
Lukašuk, Igorʹ I. |
Réflexions sur la souveraineté
1996 |
Kranz, Jerzy |