A financial decelerator in Europe? : Evidence from Austria
2003 |
Braumann, Benedikt |
Banking structure and investment in Austria : some empirical evidence
2003 |
Valderrama, María Teresa |
Investment-based pension reform for Austria - or boosting employment and growth?
2003 |
Guger, Alois |
Corporate governance, investment, and the implications for growth
2003 |
Gugler, Klaus |
Varieties of capitalism and pension reform : will the "Riester-Rente" transform the German coordinated market economy?
2003 |
Vitols, Sigurt |
Pension finance reform, tax incentives for life annuities and the problem of adverse selection
2003 |
Pech, Susanne |
Investment-based pension reform as a solution to the old-age crisis? : Risk issues in the pension reform debate
2003 |
Eckert, Daniel |
New harmonized interest rate statistics for the Euro area - framework, implementation in Austria and first results
2003 |
Klein, Alois |
Understanding the impact of external trade and international capital flows on euro area monetary growth and Austria's contribution from 1999 to 2002 : the monetary presentation of the balance of payments
2003 |
Walter, Patricia |
Fostering economic growth in Europe results of the 31st Economics Conference of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
2003 |
Gnan, Ernest |
Stock markets, shareholder value and investment
2003 |
Stockhammer, Engelbert |
Pension funds and European financial markets
2003 |
Davis, E. Philip |
Finance for growth, finance and growth, finance or growth ...? : Three perspectives on the interaction of financial markets and the real economy
2003 |
Mooslechner, Peter |
Financial development and macroeconomic volatility : evidence from OECD countries
2003 |
Hahn, Franz R. |
Welfare effects of pension finance reform
2003 |
Brunner, Johann K. |
Tax incentives in investment-based pension reform and fiscal sustainability
2003 |
Eckert, Daniel |
Structural factors in the Austrian housing and real estate market
2003 |
Czerny, Margarete |
The bank lending survey for the euro area : background, objectives and results for Austria
2003 |
Waschiczek, Walter |
Central banks and the challenges of the information economy - are we on the road to e-CBs?
2002 |
Achleitner, Peter |
The payment habits of Austrian households : results of a study on the use of payment cards and the structure of payment transactions in 2000
2002 |
Mooslechner, Peter |