Keeping a butterfly and an elephant in a house of cards : the elements of exceptional success
2002 |
Starbuck, William H. |
A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation
2002 |
Nonaka, Ikujiro |
Leveraging knowledge through leadership of organizational learning
2002 |
Crossan, Mary |
Market, hierarchy, and trust : the knowledge economy and the future of capitalism
2002 |
Adler, Paul S. |
Knowledge, knowledge work, and organizations : an overview and interpretation
2002 |
Blackler, Frank |
Technological and organizational designs for realizing economies of substitution
2002 |
Garud, Raghu |
Knowledge creation of global companies
2002 |
Kulkki, Seija |
Intellectual capital : an exploratory study that develops measures and models
2002 |
Bontis, Nick |
The creation and sharing of knowledge
2002 |
Boisot, Max |
Knowledge, context, and the management of variation
2002 |
Despres, Charles |
A resource-based theory of the firm : knowledge versus opportunism
2002 |
Conner, Kathleen R. |
Knowledge and learning, markets and organizations : managing the information transaction space
2002 |
Huizing, Ard |
Epistemology in action : a framework for understanding organizational due dilligence processes
2002 |
Moldoveanu, Mihnea |
Mobilizing knowledge in interorganizational alliances
2002 |
Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage
2002 |
Nahapiet, Janine |
Replication of organizational routines : conceptualizing the exploitation of knowledge assets
2002 |
Winter, Sidney G. |
Managing existing knowledge is not enough knowledge management theory and practice in Japan
2002 |
Umemoto, Katsuhiro |
Knowledge across boundaries : managing knowledge in distributed organizations
2002 |
Ciborra, Claudio U. |
Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital : framing and advancing the state of the field
2002 |
Bontis, Nick |
Sensemaking, knowledge creation, and decision making : organizational knowing as emergent strategy
2002 |
Choo, Chun Wei |