Indonesian women artists : transcending compliance
2002 |
Bianpoen, Carla |
Literature, mythology and regime change : some observations on recent indonesian women's writing
2002 |
Hatley, Barbara |
Women and the labour market during and after the crisis
2002 |
Cameron, Lisa |
Women's international labout migration
2002 |
Hugo, Graeme |
TheYear in review : from blind man's bluff to mega expectations
2002 |
Pangestu, Mari |
2002 |
Blackburn, Sue |
Gender mainstreaming and sex-disaggregated data
2002 |
Surbakti, Soedarti |
TheChanging indonesian household
2002 |
Jones, Gavin W. |
Women, family planning and decentralisation : new variations on old themes
2002 |
Hull, Terence H. |
Men, women and community development in east Nusa Tenggara
2002 |
Gondowarsito, Ria |
Institution building : an effort to improve indonesian women's role and status
2002 |
Parawansa, Khofifah Indar |
Feminism in Indonesia in an international context
2002 |
Sadli, Saparinah |
Introduction to the issues
2002 |
Robinson, Kathryn |
TheMega factor in indonesian politics : a new president or a new kind of presidency
2002 |
Sen, Krishna |
TheDownfall of president Abdurrahman Wahid : a return to authoritarianism
2002 |
Aspinall, Edward |
Further comments on the economy, with a gender perspective
2002 |
Sadli, Mohammad |
Gay and Lesbi subjectivities, national belonging and the new Indonesia
2002 |
Boellstorff, Tom |
And the winner is...Indonesian women in public life
2002 |
Oey-Gardiner, Mayling |
Customary institutions, Syariah law and the marginalisation of indonesian women
2002 |
Noerdin, Edriana |
Women's grassroots movement in Indonesia : a case study of the PKK and islamic women's organisations
2002 |
Marcoes, Lies |