Special issue : the economies of Middle East and North Africa in an era of political turbulence |
2019 |
volume 73 (August 2019) |
Special section on Islamic economics and finance |
2019 |
volume 74 (November 2019) |
Special Issue: Is there a Brazilian development "model"? |
2016 |
volume 62 (November 2016) |
Special section: Foreign aid |
2010 |
50.2010,1 |
The Paraty conference papers : regulation, competition and income distribution in developing economies |
2008 |
48,2 : special issue |
The Paraty Conference papers : regulation, competition and income distribution in developing economies |
2008 |
48.2008,2 |
Special issue: Papers presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Midwest Finance Association |
2007 |
47.2007,5 |
Papers presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Midwest Finance Association |
2007 |
47,5 : special issue |
Economic policy and performance in the Middle East and North Africa : essays in honor of Heba Handoussa |
2007 |
46.2007,5 |
Focus: international finance |
2006 |
46.2006,2 |
The regulation of development and the development of regulation |
2005 |
45.2005,2/3 |
Focus: statistical properties of the stock market |
2005 |
45.2005,4/5 |
Focus: managing uncertainty and risk |
2004 |
44.2004,5 |
Economics of technological change in medical care : concepts, measures and models |
2004 |
44.2004,3 |
The European Union's impact on Europe's peripheral economies |
2003 |
43.2003,5 |
¬The¬ European Union's impact on Europe's peripheral economics : [papers ... prepared for a workshop held on February 21 - 22, 2003 at the University of Illinois] |
2003 |
43,5 |
Special issue: Capital accumulation and allocation in economic growth |
2003 |
43.2003,4 |
Focus: Sovereignty and economic neo-liberalism : the case of Brazil |
2002 |
42.2002,5 |
Special issue: Oil and the economy : recent developments in historical perspective |
2002 |
42.2002,2 |
Focus: Effectiveness of safety-net policies in different countries and eras |
2002 |
42.2002,4 |