Simulating delays for realistic time-table optimization
2002 |
Engelhardt-Funke, Ophelia |
Was kann Operations Research für die Verkehrstelematik leisten?
2002 |
Hubschneider, Hans |
Some practical aspects of periodic timetabling
2002 |
Liebchen, Christian |
2002 |
Hildenbrandt, Regina |
Eine spieltheoretische Analyse von Zulieferer-Abnehmer-Beziehungen auf Basis des JELS-Modells
2002 |
Sucky, Eric |
Storage problems in batch scheduling
2002 |
Schwindt, Christoph |
Economic growth, emission reduction and the choice of energy technology in a dynamic-game framework
2002 |
Scheffran, Jürgen |
Measuring credit risk : can we benefit from sequential nonparametric control?
2002 |
Steland, Ansgar |
Wissen ist meßbar
2002 |
Rödder, Wilhelm |
A metaheuristic-based DSS for portfolio optimization
2002 |
Derigs, Ulrich |
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren für die Erstellung universitärer Multimediakurse : mit einem Beispiel aus dem Bereich des OR
2002 |
Ahuja, André |
Internet-based exercises and mini-exams for production and operations management
2002 |
Trautmann, Norbert |
Routing a fleet of vehicles for dynamic combined pick-up and deliveries services
2002 |
Experience-based decision making and learning from examples
2002 |
Hüllermeier, Eyke |
On-line simulation of large scale networks
2002 |
Zentrale Datenbasis im Energiehandel
2002 |
Felden, Carsten |
Acquisition of high-value customers for automotive banks
2002 |
Müller, Stefan |
The estimation of market volumes
2002 |
Schwaiger, Manfred |
Optimal coordination of manufacturing and remanufacturing decisions in case of product substitution
2002 |
Inderfurth, Karl |
Optimization of European double-barrier options via optimal control of the black-scholes-equation
2002 |
Breitner, Michael H. |