Forecasting ability of a periodic component extracted from large-cap index time series
2017 |
O'Shea, Michael J. |
Ensemble forecasting for complex time series using sparse representation and neural networks
2017 |
Yu, Lean |
Bayesian forecasting for time series of categorical data
2017 |
Angers, Jean-François |
Forecast combinations in a DSGE-VAR lab
2017 |
Costantini, Mauro |
Heterogeneous forecast adjustment
2017 |
Bruijn, Bert de |
A flexible functional form approach to mortality modeling : do we need additional cohort dummies?
2017 |
Li, Han |
The role of credit in predicting US recessions
2017 |
Ponka, Harri |
Do media data help to predict German industrial production?
2017 |
Ulbricht, Dirk |
Time‐varying parameter realized volatility models
2017 |
Wang, Yudong |
Backtesting value‐at‐risk : a generalized Markov test
2017 |
Pajhede, Thor |
Adjusting for information content when comparing forecast performance
2017 |
Andersson, Michael K. |
A comparison of the forecasting ability of immediate price impact models
2017 |
Manh Cuong Pham |
Modelling and trading the English and German stock markets with novelty optimization techniques
2017 |
Karathanasopoulos, Andreas |
Long memory of financial time series and hidden Markov models with time‐varying parameters
2017 |
Nystrup, Peter |
Modeling and forecasting realized volatility in German-Austrian continuous intraday electricity prices
2017 |
Ciarreta, Aitor |
Predicting systemic risk with entropic indicators
2017 |
Gradojevic, Nikola |
The informational content of the term spread in forecasting the US inflation rate : a nonlinear approach
2017 |
Plakandaras, Vasilios |
Modeling and forecasting online auction prices : a semiparametric regression analysis
2017 |
Chan, Ngai Hang |
On the modelling and forecasting of multivariate realized volatility : generalized heterogeneous autoregressive (GHAR) model
2017 |
Čech, František |
Multicategory purchase incidence models for partitions of product categories
2017 |
Hruschka, Harald |