OLAF vs. DG Competition : a comparison of the Community's anti-fraud enforcement system within its competition enforcement system
2002 |
Laudati, Laraine L. |
Competition policy in the framework of WTO
2002 |
Matsushita, Mitsuo |
The division of economic policy powers between the European Community and its member states : status quo and proposals de lege ferenda
2002 |
Pernice, Ingolf |
The constribution of the European Union to public international law
2002 |
Frowein, J.A. |
WTO disputes: the battles in the trade wars - a win-win game? or a lottery?
2002 |
Abbott, Roderick |
Liberalisation of the European energy markets: the perspective of competition policy
2002 |
Schaub, Alexander |
Legal equality, legal certainty and subsidiarity in transnational economic law - decentralized application of art. 81.3 EC and WTO law: why and why not
2002 |
Bogdandy, Armin von |
A theory of direct effect in global law
2002 |
Cottier, Thomas |
The birth of modern competition law in Europe
2002 |
Marenco, Giuliano |
The principle of proportionality on its way into WTO/GATT law
2002 |
Hilf, Meinhard |
The future of the European treaties : A systematic approach to a basic treaty
2002 |
Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian |
On the international morality of WTO law
2002 |
Bourgeois, Jacques H. J. |
From European Communities to European Union : by convergence to consistency
2002 |
Everling, Ulrich |
"Good governance" in the European internal market : two competing legal conceptualisations of European integration and their synthesis
2002 |
Joerges, Christian |
Amicus curiae briefs before the WTO : much ado about nothing
2002 |
Mavroidis, Petros C. |
Human rights in European and global integration law : principles for constitutionalizing the world economy
2002 |
Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich |
Amicus curiae: Participant or friend? : the WTO and NAFTA experience
2002 |
Steger, Debra P. |
Reckoning with the past in the Czech Republic : a test of the homogeneity clause pursuant to article 6 EC Treaty
2002 |
Tomuschat, Christian |
The substantive legality test under article 81-3 EC Treaty : Revisited in light of the Commission's modernization initiative
2002 |
Gyselen, Luc |
The EU trade barriers regulation comes of age
2000 |
Bronckers, Marco C. E. J. |