Wage and price inflation in Poland in the period of transition - the cointegration analysis
2002 |
Welfe, Aleksander |
Liquidity constraints and consumer impatience
2002 |
Árvai, Zsófia |
Looking for the pattern of GARCH type models in Polish stock exchange returns : comparison with indices of the EU and the East European stock markets
2002 |
Fiszeder, Piotr |
A Markov switching model of stock returns: an application to the emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe
2002 |
Linne, Thomas |
On the convergence of growth path towards steady-states in OECD countries in Solow-Swan type models
2002 |
Kliber, Paweł |
External sector response to transition and external shocks: the case of Hungary
2002 |
Sisak-Fekete, Zsuzsanna |
Modelling and forecasting the GDP structure of Polish and Estonian economies in transition period using Markov chains
2002 |
Górka, Joanna |
Stabilisation, reform, initial conditions and output paths in transition economies
2002 |
Merlevede, Bruno |
Economic welfare effects of Romanian agricultural accession to the EU
2002 |
Firici, Maria C. |
The institutional dimension of wage determination in Romanian industry
2002 |
Sousa, José de |
Modelling and forecasting volatility at Warsaw stock exchange: application of ARCH-Models
2002 |
Brzeszczyński, Janusz |
The EU accession rally: some cross-country simulation results
2002 |
Charemza, Wojciech |
Macroeconomic forecasts in transition - Polish projections in the '90s
2002 |
Greszta, Michał |
Modelling the wage-price system in transition economies
2002 |
Ashworth, Paul |
Bounded rationality, very young financial markets and the EU enlargement
2002 |
Agapie, Adriana |
A continuous time approach to cross country convergence
2002 |
Hernández, Mónica |
Current status, prospects and country specific problems of accession: Republic of Lativa
2002 |
Baranovs, Olegs |
Inflation and the real exchange rate in CEECs: does productivity growth really matter?
2002 |
Égert, Balázs |
A quaterly econometric model of the Slovak economy QEM-ECM-1.0
2002 |
Haluška, Ján |
Business fluctuations and changes on the money market in the Polish economy under transition
2002 |
Kruszka, Michał |