Zulu Varietäten als Ausdruck unterschiedlicher Kulturansprüche und Geschlechterverhältnisse im heutigen Südafrika
2011 |
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"Coconut" Notes: Discursive Constructions of Race Identity in South Africa
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Weaving the breadbasket: the political roots of a Globalizing Food Market in Ethiopia (1907-1955)
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Getnet Bekele |
Tradition in the shade of Globalization : ritual bondage in Ghana
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"Seeking Glory in the Dunghills": Representations of the city in the writings of modern Arab poets
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Cushitic and Omotic strata in Ongota, a moribund language of uncertain affiliation from Southeast Ethiopia
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Esquisse de la tonologie synchronique du toli, dialecte gbe du Sud-Bénin
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Voices from beyond and within the South(ern) African frontiers: The muslim print media
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Cooperation of Western powers with the Republic of South Africa from 1948 to the end of the 1970's
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Phoenician-Punic: Grammar and Dictionary
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Ortsgötter, frühe Tempel und älteste Schriftzeugnisse in Ägypten
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Middle-earth and Egypt
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Akkadian loanwords in biblical Hebrew
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More Days of Life: Angolaś Political Economy of War
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Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian I : Review Article
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The Capoid and the Capsian: An Interdisciplinary Hypothesis
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[Rezension von:] Karl Jahn: Die Weltgeschichte des Rašīd ad-Dīn. Band 1-5. Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Band 100, 105, 112, 129, 144. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1969-1980
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Forefather Goat or the ancient Turkish inscription in early Greek alphabet
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Amanžolov, Altaj |
An "ancient greek" inscription from the region of Alma-Ata
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Matériaux sur la langue et folklore des Nogajs de la Dobrudz̆a
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Abdullov, Ibrahim |