The changing (declining?) role of accountants in the global marketplace
2002 |
Hartgraves, Al |
Finnish leadership and culture: more influenced by West or East?
2002 |
Lindell, Martin |
Global strategy in the 21st century: diversify along the demographic divide
2002 |
Rosensweig, Jeffrey A. |
Zur Amerikanisierung der deutschen Universität: Tendenzen, Ursachen und Konsequenzen
2002 |
Kieser, Alfred |
Foreign exchange rate dynamics
2002 |
Mahajan, Arvind |
On particle physics and organization theory
2002 |
Nurmi, Raimo |
Defining information technology: the gender implications
2002 |
Cukier, Wendy |
Cross-cultural negotiation: the case for an interdisciplinary and multi-methodological approach
2002 |
Martin, Gillian S. |
Globalisierung und Diversität im Kleinen: messen und managen
2002 |
Meyer, Harald |
Toward an understanding of the underlying constructs of the situational and patterned behavior description interwiew in predicting typical versus maximum performance
2002 |
Latham, Gary P. |
Implications of the asymmetry of g for predictive validity
2002 |
Evans, Martin G. |
Managing diversity in multicultural project teams
2002 |
Mühlbacher, Hans |
Risikovermeidung und Vorsorge als Schlüssel der schweizerischen Nationalkultur? : Eine Bestandsaufnahme und ausgewählte Folgen
2002 |
Wunderer, Rolf |
Cultural determinants of leadership style of Polish managers
2002 |
Maczynski, Jerzy |
Learning from "strangers" in a multicultural environment
2002 |
Berry, Michael |
Die Überwachungsproblematik in der deutschen und anglo-amerikanischen Corporate Governance : "Codes of Best Practice" als Lösungsansatz?
2002 |
Dorow, Wolfgang |
Die Insolvenzordnung als Versuch der Anreizentfaltung und -dämpfung
2002 |
Drukarczyk, Jochen |
What a difference a year makes! (Or does it?) An essay written in honor of Professor Gerhard Reber
2002 |
Whittington, F. Brown |
The manager as a third-party in dispute intervention: looking back, looking forward
2002 |
Elangovan, A. R. |
Characteristics of human capital: international implications
2002 |
Groth, John C. |