Judical review in the age of globalisation : chinise toys in the european court of justice
2000 |
Snyder, Francis |
The principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in community social and employment law
2000 |
Hepple, Bob |
Four freedoms, one market and national competence : In search of a dividing line
2000 |
O'Keeffe, David |
Drinks in Luxenbourg : Alcoholic beverages and the case-law
2000 |
Rodríguez Iglesias, Gil Carlos |
The role of the supreme court in a democracy
2000 |
Baraḳ, Aharon |
Constitutional adjudication and democracy
2000 |
Grimm, Dieter |
The Pinochet case
2000 |
Schermers, Henry G. |
The standing of states : a critique of Article 40 of ILC's draft articles on state responsibility
2000 |
Crawford, James |
Advocates General and Judges in the Euroepean Court of Justice : Some Personal reflections
2000 |
Jacobs, Francis G. |
Staff cases in the judical architecture of the future
2000 |
Milett, Timothy |
Competition appeals
2000 |
Flynn, James |
The European Court of Firts Instance : Ten years of interaction with the Court of Justice
2000 |
Lenaerts, Koen |
Shifting the "Grundnorm" and other tales
2000 |
Anderson, David |
Public liability in US Courts and 'Brasserie du Pêcheur' and 'Factortame' in the European Court
2000 |
Lichtenstein, Cynthia Crawford |
Article 13 : the co-operative role of national and international judges in securing the enjoyment of Human Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (and its limits)
2000 |
Warbrick, Colin |
International law in the wake of UNISPACE III
2000 |
Williams, Maureen |
On the judge-made law of the European Community's Courts
2000 |
Everling, Ulrich |
The principle of effective protection of Community Law Rights
2000 |
Temple Lang, John |
Preliminary rulings on the interpretation of mixed agreements
2000 |
Dashwood, Alan |
The growing variety of procedures concerning preliminary rulings
2000 |
Gaja, Giorgio |