The economics of federal-state finance : twenty-sixth Joseph Fisher lecture, 2 September 1954
2001 |
Prest, Wilfred |
Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : twenty-seventh Joseph Fisher lecture, 8 August 1956
2001 |
Meade, James E. |
Australian foreign aid policy : thirty-first Joseph Fisher lecture, 9 September 1964
2001 |
Arndt, Heinz W. |
What do we really know about monetary policy? : Fortieth Joseph Fisher lecture, 16 July 1986
2001 |
Laidler, David E. W. |
How convincing is the evidence linking education and income? : Forty-second Joseph Fisher lecture, 12 October 1993
2001 |
Ashenfelter, Orley |
Population, food and trade : forty-fifth Joseph Fisher lecture, 18 September 1996
2001 |
Johnson, David Gale |
Australian agricultural policy : twenty-fifth Joseph Fisher lecture, 15 October 1952
2001 |
Crawford, John Grenfell |
Mass entertainment : the origins of a modern industry ; twenty-ninth Joseph Fisher lecture, 19 October 1960
2001 |
Briggs, Asa |
Industrial research and economic growth in Australia : thirtieth Joseph Fisher lecture, 24 July 1962
2001 |
Williams, Bruce Rodda |
Pacific challenges to the United States : forty-first Joseph Fisher lecture, 29 July 1988
2001 |
Krugman, Paul R. |
The role of the NAFTA debate in US trade policy : forty-third Joseph Fisher lecture, 7 October 1994
2001 |
Krueger, Anne O. |
Human behaviour and the transmission of infectious disease : an economist's perspective ; forty-seventh Joseph Fisher lecture, 3 June 1999
2001 |
Gersovitz, Mark |
Balancing external payments by adjusting domestic income : thirty-third Joseph Fisher lecture, 26 June 1969
2001 |
Brown, Henry Phelps |
Income inflation in Australia : thirty-fourth Joseph Fisher lecture, 2 December 1971
2001 |
Henderson, Ronald Frank |
Australian economics, 1967 to 1977 : thirty-seventh Joseph Fisher lecture, 10 October 1978
2001 |
Gruen, Fred Henry George |
Work and welfare in the years ahead : thirty-eighth Joseph Fisher lecture, 9 December 1981
2001 |
Gregory, Robert G. |
Protection and liberalization in Australia and abroad : forty-fourth Joseph Fisher lecture, 26 September 1995
2001 |
Corden, Max |
Strengthening intellectual property rights in Asia : implications for Australia ; forty-sixth Joseph Fisher lecture, 17 November 1997
2001 |
Maskus, Keith E. |
Public policy and higher education : forty-eighth Joseph Fisher lecture, 30 April 2001
2001 |
Karmel, Peter Henry |
The economic consequences of scientific research : twenty-fourth Joseph Fisher lecture, 8 September 1950
2001 |
Condliffe, John B. |