Ethics, tradition, authority : toward an anthropology of the fatwa
2010 |
Agrama, Hussein Ali |
Reconfiguring freedom : Muslim piety and the limits of secular law and public discourse in France
2010 |
Fernando, Mayanthi L. |
The commodification of fetishes : telling the difference between natural and synthetic sapphires
2010 |
Walsh, Andrew |
Being neurologically human today : life and science and adult cerebral plasticity (an ethical analysis)
2010 |
Rees, Tobias |
Suffering in a productive world : chronic illness, visibility, and the space beyond agency ; M. Cameron Hay
2010 |
Hay, M. Cameron |
Imagined lives and modernist chronotopes in Mexican nonmigrant discourse ; Hilary Parsons Dick
2010 |
Parsons Dick, Hilary |
Mobile phones and Mipoho's prophecy ; the powers and dangers of flying language ; Janet McIntosh
2010 |
McIntosh, Janet |
Mediating "the voice of the spirit" : musical and religious transformations in Nigeria's oil boom ; Vicky L. Brennan
2010 |
Brennan, Vicky L. |
Communities of complicity : notes on state formation and local sociality in rural China
2010 |
Steinmüller, Hans |
Timepass : youth, class, and time among unemployed young men in India
2010 |
Jeffrey, Craig |
Phatic labor, infrastructure, and the question of empowerment in Cairo
2010 |
Elyachar, Julia |
Morality in the religious marketplace : Evangelical Christianity, Candomble, and the struggle for moral distinction in Brazil ; Stephen Selka
2010 |
Selka, Stephen |
Abu Ghraib, the security apparatus, and the performativity of power ; Steven C. Caton
2010 |
Caton, Steven C. |
Embracing the lived memory of genocide : Holocaust survivor and descendant renegade memory work at the House of Being
2010 |
Kidron, Carol A. |
Personal and global economies : male carpet manufacturers as entrepreneurs in the weaving neighborhoods of Konya, Turkey
2010 |
Isik, Damla |
The cachet dilemma : ritual and agency in new Dutch nationalism
2010 |
Verkaaik, Oskar |
Indigeneity across borders : hemispheric migrations and cosmopolitan encounters
2010 |
Delugan, Robin Maria |
The road : an ethnography of the Albanian-Greek cross-border motorway
2010 |
Dalakoglou, Dimitris |
The making and muting of an indigenous media activist : imagination and ideology in Charles Round Low Cloudś "Indian News"
2010 |
Arndt, Grant |
Phatic labor, infrastructure, and the question of empowerment in Cairo
2010 |
Elyachar, Julia |