Analysis of Brazilian inflation
2001 |
Fonseca, Manuel A. da |
Recent trends in regional competitiveness and industrial concentration
2001 |
Azzoni, Carlos Roberto |
Regional competition and complementarity reflected in relative regional dynamics and growth of GSP : a comparative analysis of the Northeast of Brazil and the Midwest States of the US
2001 |
Magalhães, André |
An econometric input-output model for São Paulo state
2001 |
Azzoni, Carlos Roberto |
Accounting for education, experience and health as investments in human capital
2001 |
Kassouf, Ana Lúcia |
The current Brazilian transportation structure
2001 |
Resende, Paulo T. V. |
The structural adjustment of Brazilian agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s
2001 |
Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento de Souza |
The world meat market and the Brazilian economy : an econometric input-output analysis
2001 |
Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello |
The insertion of the Brazilian economy in MERCOSUR : an approach by value added
2001 |
Montoya, Marco Antonio |
Income distribution in Brazil and the regional and sectoral contrasts
2001 |
Hoffmann, Rodolfo |
TheBrazilian trade balance for basic and processed agricultural products from 1961 to 1995
2001 |
Almeida, Clóvis Oliveira de |
Analysis of Brazil's macroeconomic trends
2001 |
Fonseca, Manuel A. da |
Technical efficiency and returns to scale in local public spending in the presence of heterogeneous data : the Brazilian case
2001 |
Sousa, Maria da Conceição Sampaio de |
Trade liberalization and location : geographical shifts in the Brazilian economic structure
2001 |
Haddad, Eduardo Amaral |
Comparative analysis of Brazil's national and regional economic structure, 1985, 1990, 1995
2001 |