The contribution of environmental law to the development of modern international law
1996 |
Fitzmaurice, Malgosia |
Quelques observations sur le recours au règlement juridictionnel des différends interétatiques
1996 |
Bardonnet, Daniel |
The International Court and judicial law-making : Nuclear tests re-visited
1996 |
McWhinney, Edward |
Basic distinctions in the law of international organizations : practice versus legal doctrine
1996 |
Seyersted, Fynn |
De la sanction en droit international : Essai de clarification
1996 |
Abi-Saab, Georges M. |
"Common heritage of mankind" : from metaphor to myth, and the consequences of constructive ambiguity
1996 |
Pinto, Moragodage C.W. |
Crimes against humanity
1996 |
Dinstein, Yoram |
Some objective features in positive international law
1996 |
Degan, Vladimir-Djuro |
The juridical and the meta-juridical in international law
1996 |
Lauterpacht, Elihu |
The concluding documents of world order conferences
1996 |
Tomuschat, Christian |
Pluralité des ordres juridiques internationaux et unite du droit international
1996 |
Valticos, Nicolas |
Some reflections on kinds of rules and international law-making by practice
1996 |
Wolfke, Karol |
Droit international public et droit international privé ; deux identités distinctes
1996 |
Bos, Maarten |
Contemporary European Law ; exclusivism, paternalism and partnership
1996 |
Szafarz, Renata |
Sur les dimensions culturelles de l'arbitrage international
1996 |
Lalive, Pierre |
Réflexions sur la théorie des sources du droit international
1996 |
Monaco, Riccardo |
La personalité juridique dans le systeme du droit des gens
1996 |
Dominicé, Christian |
Réflexions sur la création d'une cour criminelle internationale
1996 |
Caflisch, Lucius |
On the procedural and organizational law adopted by the organs of the European Union
1996 |
Kolasa, Jan |
Reservations and the international ordre public
1996 |
Frowein, Jochen Abraham |