Perspectives on the policy mix in EMU
2001 |
Kösters, Wim |
European Economic and Monetary Union and the problem of credibility
2001 |
Schmidhuber, Peter M. |
European Stability and Growth Pact
2001 |
Steuer, Werner |
Creation and allocation of Central Bank profits in the Euro area
2001 |
Rösl, Gerhard |
Employment policy in Europe : an appropriate supplement to Monetary Union?
2001 |
Feldmann, Horst |
Regional effects of EMU
2001 |
Martin, Reiner |
Tax competition or tax harmonization in EMU?
2001 |
Pitlik, Hans |
Monetary integration and real convergence
2001 |
Wagner, Helmut |
Instruments of the single monetary policy
2001 |
Knappe, Karl |
The changeover to the Euro
2001 |
Scheller, Hanspeter K. |
Capital markets in Euroland : filling gaps and piercing veils
2001 |
Kotz, Hans-Helmut |
The decision-making procedures in EMU : legal aspects
2001 |
Seidel, Martin |
EMU and intra-European fiscal transfers
2001 |
Caesar, Rolf |
The significance of different financial structures in EMU
2001 |
Gruber, Torsten |
The Euro in the international financial and monetary system
2001 |
Siedenberg, Axel |
The future role of the Euro in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
2001 |
Ohr, Renate |
Changes in the World monetary system as a result of EMU and the launch of the Euro
2001 |
Claber, Simone |
Proposals for a national stability pact in Germany
2001 |
Sturm, Michael |
The new European exchange rate mechanism : currency conventions for ins, pre-ins and outs
2001 |
Schiemann, Jürgen |
Differentiation as a mark of monetary and economic politics in the European Union : post-Amsterdam
2001 |
Deubner, Christian |