Chattel collateral laws of Bulgaria, Rumania and Hungary and Japanese enterprises' business
2001 |
Suzuki, Koji |
Public expenditure management and developing countries, Part 1: Public expenditure management and development assistance
2001 |
Hayashi, Kaoru |
Public expenditure management and developing countries, Part 2: Case studies
2001 |
Sakano, Taichi |
How the EMS (electronics manufacturing service) business model can help Japanese corporations revolutionize their factories?
2001 |
Kita, Masanobu |
Rural enterprises finance : a case study of the bank of agriculture and agricultural cooperatives (BAAC) in Thailand
2001 |
Kitano, Naohiro |
Applied general equilibrium analysis of East Asian growth
2001 |
Ono, Minoru |
The role of bank loans for economic development : an implication from East Asian experience
2000 |
Fukuda, Shin'ichi |
Recent studies on urban sector issues in Viet Nam : urban development and housing and urban public transportation
2000 |
Kitano, Naohiro |
Urban public transportation in Viet Nam : improving regulatory framework
2000 |
Mizuno, Kengo |
Boom and bust in East Asia : a stylized interpretation of the 1997 - 98 Asian crises, based on results of a Qualitative Questionnaire to Japanese city banks
2000 |
Silva, Luiz A. Pereira da |
Private sector participation in water supply and sewerage : lessons from ten case studies in developing and developed countries
2000 |
Kitano, Naohiro |
Regional transport infrastructure development in southern Africa
2000 |
Sano, Hiroaki |
Asian legal reform and company information disclosure
2000 |
Suzuki, Koji |
Organizational capacity of executing agencies in the developing countries : case studies on Bangladesh, Thailand and Indonesia
2000 |
Sato, Ikuro |
Current situation of rice distribution system in Indonesia
2000 |
Ariga, Hiromichi |
Urban development and housing sector in Viet Nam
2000 |
Mizuno, Kengo |
Post-evaluation for ODA loan project, Kingdom of Thailand : "overall impact of Eastern Seaboard Development Program"
2000 |
Ariga, Kenichi |
Commentary: trends of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) in fiscal 1999 (immediate report)
2000 |
Izuishi, Shiro |
Economic effects of infrastructure : Japan's experience after World War II
2000 |
Yoshino, Naoyuki |
Characteristics and cost sharing of transport infrastructure
2000 |
Yamauchi, Hirotaka |